For every moment spent doubled over in pain fearing an escalating condition, for everyone living with digestive diseases, our Diverticulitis Center is here.




Our new Diverticulitis Center is the first of its kind. Our collaborative approach, involving a team of gastroenterologists, radiologists, nutritionists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and clinical coordinators, enables us to customize treatment plans for each and every patient. Experts from each subspecialty work together to make informed, coordinated decisions that will provide the best possible outcome and path back to a healthy, worry-free life. And when surgery is the best next step, our surgeons who are national leaders minimally invasive techniques, including robotic surgery, provide the clarity and confidence you need to take action. From preparation to recovery, our approach provides the surest path to recovery for all diverticulitis patients.


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When to Reach Out


Prime candidates for diverticulitis surgery include patients who have had complicated diverticulitis, recurring episodes of diverticulitis or persistent symptoms that have not responded to medical treatment.

Common symptoms of diverticulitis include:

  • Abdominal pain - persistent and often severe, usually on the lower left
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Constipation or sometimes diarrhea

If you suffer from these symptoms, it’s important to seek treatment. Call your primary care provider today or reach out to the Diverticulitis Center to request an appointment with one of our specialists.

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I wish I had done this after the first attack. I feel like I have my life back. To be able to eat anything I want is just amazing.

Colleen G  |  UMass Memorial Health Diverticulitis Patient