Dermatologists at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester provide you and your children diagnosis and treatment of all skin disorders on an outpatient basis. If you or your child has developed a disorder of the hair or nails, are concerned about skin cancers such as melanoma, or have congenital and inflammatory skin disorders, we can help to make you look and feel your best.

You will have access to the latest treatment options and diagnostic breakthroughs including phototherapy, laser treatments, a wide variety of surgical treatments, and microscopically controlled surgical excision of skin cancer using the Mohs surgical technique.  

We also offer our Rheumatic Skin Disease Clinic for patients with skin and musculoskeletal diseases like lupus, scleroderma and psoriatric arthritis. Our clinic is one of only a handful in the nation.

A Wide Array of Services for Your Skin Disorders

Our services include the removal of age spots, birthmarks, facial blood vessels, hair, leg veins, tattoos, port-wine stains and warts, ultraviolet B phototherapy and psoralen ultraviolet A (PUVA) light radiation and other conditions including:


Appointments and Staff
For more information on our Dermatology Services call our physician referral line at 800-431-5151.