Hematology / Blood Disorder Care

Our team combines expertise and advanced therapies to provide exceptional outcomes for people with noncancerous (benign) blood disorders.

Why Choose Us for Blood Disorder Care?

Benign Hematology Expertise

Our team of highly skilled hematologists includes nationally renowned specialists. Many providers have advanced fellowship training. All hematologists conduct thorough evaluations and develop personalized care plans. Our depth of benign hematology experience gives you the best chance for excellent results.


Some blood disorders impact your daily life and future plans. Our team includes additional providers who help you find a path forward. Social workers assist with practical matters like insurance coverage. Palliative medicine doctors deliver therapies that relieve pain. Our hematology nurse navigator is available to answer questions and arrange appointments.


Conditions such as hemophilia raise the risk of complications during procedures for other medical issues. Other blood disorders can cause complications affecting your eyes, joints and other organs. We coordinate with UMass Memorial specialists as needed to help you access additional services that keep you safe and lower the likelihood of unexpected health issues.

Contact Us

Call 855-UMASS-MD (855-862-7763) or request an appointment with a blood disorder specialist.

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