Harrington Hospital Auxiliary
About Us
About Us
The Harrington Auxiliary is a dedicated group of individuals who have joined together since 1932 to volunteer their time and services to Harrington and the community. We work to create an atmosphere of friendliness, helpfulness and goodwill. We financially support programs and services that benefit the mission of Harrington HealthCare System, as well as the community.
About our Membership
We cordially invite you to join our organization. We are looking for members of all ages to participate in a variety of activities and subcommittees. It is a great opportunity to give back to your local healthcare system and your community by applying your interest, talents and expertise to the Auxiliary. You can provide the most precious of all gifts–your time.
We also invite you to join us at our quarterly membership luncheons at local restaurants. They include programs which provide us with an afternoon of entertainment, education and socializing.
Please consider becoming part of a great support team with the Auxiliary! For more information view our brochure or email us.
2023 Executive Board Members
President: Barbara Avery
First Vice-President: Erika Burrows
Second Vice-President: OPEN POSITION
Treasurer: Judy LaRoche
Recording Secretary: Ann Marie Argitis
Directors: Connie Favreau & Lucette Favreau
The Harrington Auxiliary is proud to award five (one year) scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000. These scholarships support students pursuing a career in the health care field, including Nursing, Doctor of Medicine, Technologist and Therapist (among others). Criteria:
•All applicants must reside in the Harrington HealthCare System service area.
• Previous scholarship recipients may not apply.
• Applicants must be a graduating senior, or a high school graduate or a GED recipient, or an adult student from the community.
• Applicants can be home educated provided the homeschooling program has the approval of the local school board.
• Hospital employees or relatives of employees may apply, providing the above criteria is met.
Auxiliary members Pat Motyka and Mary Anne Hickey co-chair the scholarship committee. Other members included Elizabeth Luchina, Mary LaChance, Geraldine Sherry, Patty Williams and Kathy Norrgard; Ericka Burrows, the Auxiliary’s second vice president, served as an advisor to the committee.
More details and application forms are available in your High School Adjustment Counselor Services or contact Harrington Hospital Volunteer Services at (508) 765-6472.