Care and Conditions
Diabetes Patients Benefit From Practicing Mindfulness
For many people with diabetes, experiencing stress comes with the territory. That’s understandable – managing this chronic condition is hard work.
Sleep Apnea: Is It "Just" Snoring or Something More Serious?
We know sleep is important to our well-being. But getting it can be challenging. Stress, caffeine and poor work/life balance can interfere a restful night.

Debunking Osteoporosis Myths
UMass Memorial Health is debunking myths about osteoporosis. Unlike mammograms and colonoscopies, osteoporosis and bone density tests don’t get as much airtime or visibility. As a result, we’ve heard myths about the disease and screenings, and we want to set the record straight.

Treatment for Fecal Incontinence Has Come a Long Way
Fecal incontinence is a common, yet embarrassing, condition. It happens when the anal sphincter muscle (located at the end of the rectum and controls the release of stool) doesn’t work properly, leading to involuntary or unexpected loss of bowel control.

Your Diabetes Sick-Day Plan

How is Colon Cancer Treated?

What You Need to Know About Skin Tags

12 Weeks to Better Heart Health

8 Normal Headaches and 3 That Mean Trouble

Nutrition and How It Can Prevent Macular Degeneration
In 1994, we first showed that diet and nutrition played a role in the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a disease that causes vision loss in the central part of the eye. It’s now proven that some foods can reduce the risk of advanced types of the disease by 57%.