Prevention and Wellness
Learn why you should stay on track with screenings, how you can work wellness into your day and ways to prevent illness.
Men’s Health Screening Checklist By Age
Use our men's health screening checklist to become aware of health issues that men face and take proactive steps to prevent them early.

End-of-the-Year Health Checklist
Take time this fall to plan for a healthy new year. From reviewing your health insurance plan to scheduling needed vaccines, use our simple end-of-the-year health checklist to help you stay on top of your health.

7 Steps to Healthier Joints
These seven steps will help preserve the cartilage you have, strengthen the muscles that support your joints, and help you live with greater mobility and less pain.

Know The ABCDE Rule for Melanoma
The ABCDE rule for melanoma is a helpful guide for knowing when it might be time to talk to your doctor. Here’s how it works.

Is Your Heart Age Older Than You Are?
With every trip around the sun, we get another year older. But did you know that your heart’s age may be outpacing the rest of your body?
Heart age can be used to assess the risk of heart attack or stroke based on health factors.

Winter Safety Tips for Sledding, Skating and Skiing
The snow has come, and families and friends are heading out to enjoy it. Hitting the slopes, climbing a hill to slide down, or lacing up your skates are lots of fun.

College Students and the Dangers of Binge Drinking
On college campuses across the U.S., many students ages 18 to 24 are taking part in a dangerous activity called binge drinking. This means drinking alcohol to the point of getting drunk.

Preventing UV Light Damage to Your Eyes
It'll take just 60 seconds of your time to watch our Health Watch video to learn about preventing UV light damage to your eyes.

Watch Out for Drugs Causing Sun Sensitivity
If you’re taking certain medications causing your skin to be more sensitive to the sun, take extra precautions to protect yourself when outdoors. Find out what you should do.

Showing 1-9 of 119 posts